Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two In One

Sah Memang Masin Mulut Aku

Baru jer aku ngomel dlm n3 yg lepas..dia mai 2 oang sekali anugerah award (tag) pd aku..."BEAUTIFUL BLOGGER"..!!??..Brrrrr....ntang mana yg biutipul nih..? Ada sesape nak bagi "MACHO BLOGGER"..?..banyak songeh..Jadik nak mudah keja aku, aku balas sekali untuk kedua-dua blogger yg manis rajin nih..Sowee lambat respon..kekangan masa (jawapan standard..hehe)

Here are the rules to accept the award

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.

2. pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.

3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've won the award.

4. State 7 things about yourself.

1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award.

Tq sLap mE pLz...Tq Daun....Both of u r so kind..Tq 4 the award.

2. All the bloggers that follows me r fantastatic n im not going to discriminate others from the 15 selected ones.

3. Kerna aku x patuh arahan no. 2..maka rules no. 3 nih terbatal..hehe

4. 7 perkara mengenai aku...

7 perkara jer???...naper x 70 ??..hehe

Dengar sini kawan-kawan....

1. Aku suka wanita berambut panjang...paling tidak paras dada....

2. Ada 620 otot dan 206 tulang yang berfungsi dlm badan aku..

3. Tekanan darah 120/80 mmHg

4. Denyut jantung semasa rehat..58 denyutan seminit.

5. Darah jenis "B'

6. Tiada hipertensi dan diabetik.

7. Payah nak senyum...payah nak serius..

Ah..selesai tugas aku...Sekali lagik tq to sLap mE pLz dan Daun...

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