Satay..5 cucuk = 245 kalori
Roti canai 1 keping + dhal/kari = 332 kalori
Teh gelas besar = 80 kalori
Opss..pagi nih aku dah bedal 657 kalori...
Oang jantan cam ku nih memerlukan 2500 kalori sehari..(Oang beti pompuan cuma 2000 kalori sehari). BMI (Body Mass Index) dah tahap 22.2...err i must make sure it doesn't pass 22.9 ..
So..selepas sarapan pagi, aku gi main tenis kat 3 jam..Apaketidaknya..untuk bakar balik sekeping roti canai (332 kcal) aku kena main tenis sekurang-kurangnya 45 minit..Untuk cover balik segelas teh (80 kcal) aku berjalan laju/brisk walking (4.5bsj/7.2ksj) untuk 15 minit tanpa henti..
Semenjak dua menjak nih, aku alert ngan food intake..bukan pasal nak kurus..but watch out the silent killer..LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)..bad cholesterol thats it..and u know what this LDL can do to u?...if u ever heard of MI (Myocardial Infarc), artheroschlerosis, artrioschlerosis, plaque, hypertension which lead to stroke, and worst..death..
Well..don't panic and force urself to start reconstruct ur eating habit..First basic thing u must strongly practice is that "balance"..yep.. What u take..u must spend it back..I mean ur physical activities should grind back all the carbohydrates, proteins and ofcourse fats that generates the unwanted calories u might not need..
Who cares!!..yeah..wait till u get diabetes, kidney complications (which u have to visit Heamodialysis unit for blood transfusion twice a week..and cost u rm200 for every session) and stroke where u'll be bed ridden for good..Actually, theres many other health complications that results from bad eating habits..u don't mind..just google if u happen to get excited about this not so medically & technically impress n3..hehe
Habis tuh..naper aku sibuk dok ceritapasal makan @ penyakit nih!!?..isk isk
psst...setiap 8000 Kcal terkumpul..berat badan bertambah 1 kg..